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  今天去了我在英國最喜歡的「倫敦塔橋」!!不過爬上那樓梯,真的不是普通的累!但是到了上面看到的風景絕對不會讓你失望~大家ㄧ看到透明玻璃地板,就瘋狂的拍照!還被廣播說不能坐在上面⋯⋯⋯我們都躺完也拍完了⋯⋯⋯真是不好意思呀!有感覺到大家因為昨天老師的提醒,腳步比較快了!大家都在努力跟上倫敦人的步調!回來的時候真的是每人手持一杯星巴客!三十幾度實在是熱翻了⋯⋯下午上課更是汗如雨下呀!懷念曉明的冷氣還有香噴噴的教室!男生的汗臭真的很可怕-_-#女校萬歲!哈哈~~Wish the weather is getting cooler!

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早上去V&A博物館看到隨著時代不同而演進的服飾和許多展現出力與美的雕塑,豐富的展覽拓展了我們的視野。下午的課程多了一些新同學也換了不同的老師,為課程增添了些許的變化和趣味!晚上到柯芬園參與尋寶遊戲,就如同親身體驗了一次''RunningMan''的遊戲,感謝途中幫助過我們的每一個人,讓今天的活動圓滿結束!又度過了平安的一天,希望明天也能一切順利!Wish everyone have a good night!

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因為這個禮拜變成早上出去玩下午上課,所以我們早上搭地鐵到海德公園。這裡的公園跟台灣的不太一樣,很大,而且有一大片的湖和草原,還有小孩穿著泳衣在玩水。我們在那裡還看到了許多天鵝,黑的白地都有,甚至還看到狗狗在水裡游泳!公園裡有很多樹,涼爽的樹蔭底下有很多人一邊休息一邊欣賞美麗的風景,也有人是搬張躺椅坐在溫暖的陽光下曬太陽。之後,我們走了一段路來到了白金漢宮看最出名的衛兵交接。士兵們都戴著黑高帽以及紅色制服,還有行進管樂在吹奏。交接的時候,白金漢宮外人山人海,我們不及外國人高,所以只能拼命的踮腳尖或是擠縫縫看。到了下午我們又像往常一樣上課。晚上,我們去跳Disco,今天的主題是狂野的頭髮(The Crazy Hair)。來英國一個禮拜了,我們慢慢認識了來自不同國家的人,也讓自己的英文能力漸漸的進步,真是獲益良多。

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今天我們搭公車去格林威治,結果第一次搭公車就遇到公車拋錨,所以搭下一班車去。我們到了那裏就去參觀海事博物館,裡面有很多以前的海軍戰艦模型,各種不同的船和一張在地板上很大的世界地圖。之後我們爬過小山坡,到了格林威治天文臺,排隊到子午線上拍照,然後我們繼續前往格林威治市集和旁邊的各個商店,市集中賣了很多各國的美食,還有拿拉麵煎一煎中間夾蛋、肉、生菜等等,變成好吃的拉麵漢堡。不過在那裏有人的錢包被偷了,所以我們要好好看著自己的貴重物品,以免被扒走。最後在晚上,我們去夜遊(Ghost walk),在搭了許久的地鐵之後,活動姊姊開始在各點介紹從很久以前流傳下來的鬼故事。雖然鬼故事有的很可怕,不過今天過得很充實,也買到了喜歡的東西,看到不同的事物,是個滿載而歸的一天!

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    Today is the first weekend in England. After two hours bus drive ( which we nearly slept through all the way, and some wish to take the underground ), we arrived at Oxford University. It is one of the oldest and the best university in the world. We saw lots of beautiful buildings there and we also visited Christ Chrch. We are really excited because the famous movie, Harry Potter, took place there. You can see the famous Great Hall and the staircase from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. We went shopping beside the Christ Church. We bought some souvenirs, such as the Whittard scented tea and the Oxford's clothes and others ( which are nearly all expensive ). 

    During the evening, we played football and frisbee near the war museum. It was really interesting ( well, also ridiculous, too) because there are no specific rules and sports pitch. We can't wait to have more fun tomorrow.

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It's the fifth day of our summer camp. We worked on interesting themes like in our classes we talked about sports. Most of the foreigners found that basesball is a popular sport in Taiwan surprising. We also learned that the nations our classmates come from are mostly popular with football(soccer). In the afternoon, we went shopping in the famous department store, Harrods. There are a lot of luxury brands but we can't afford to buy them.It's such a massive place but we only spent an hour over there, what a pity. Therefore, we were all rushing and didn't have enough time to enjoy our shopping. Some people used the precious time to buy the famous teddy bears and candies over there.  In the evening, we went to that disco place again. We think this event isn't so appealing anymore because it's been repeated for 3 times. Howewer someone still enjoyed it very much.  

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Today it's the fourth day of our summer camp. Some classmates changed their classes because the old ones weren't suitable for them and they found their new classes much more satisfying. We are getting along with our new classmates better than we first met. We've made new friends with people from different nations and learnt about their cultures. We found out that the education in England is quite different from Taiwan. For example, we have debating and have much more chances to speak and practice our English with our classmates and they emphasize cooperation more than individual works. The food in the canteen is terrible but we're getting used to it. In the afternoon, we took the ferry in the Thames River and saw the London Eye, The Tower Bridge, and our famous landmarks. In the evening , we watched a movie, The Devil Wears Prada, the Italians were really excited about it and so did we.

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smgsh6180 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

抱歉 今天真的太累所以簡短一點

早上是第一次上課 過得很充實 也希望明天能有美好的課程內容等著我們

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